When life gives you “impatien” corgis…

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When life gives you corgis, you do get help digging in the garden. Right?

The other week my Mum asked if I’d help her get some spring planting done; of course, I obliged and we were on the hunt for low maintenance, shade friendly plants, thanks to a number of factors including–but not restricted to–the fact her yard is shady and its unknown how dead one of her daughters will leave them after being in care.

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That being said, we found a cart aplenty of impatiens, geraniums and begonias. Upon planting, we realized the overzealous to help corgi Sir Winston Churchill didn’t just want to dig the holes…he wanted to lay in the flowers, thusly squishing and flattening their delicate glory, with his behind.

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File Under: He gets away with a lot…and rightly so. He is the cutest pup alive.

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