"On the Seventh Day, God created bacon."
By now, most of you should already know my serious love for the pig--and my constant fight to stay away from the pork product as a result of this love (though bacon is religion, as my cohort Laura Cutter declared last Friday night while we gorged on tapas, "On the seventh day, God created bacon!").My life with piggy and pork is a storied one. If you forget how I narowly escaped death by spiral ham, then perchaps you should venture to my other love and read all about it--and gobble up some Mama Cass, who was rumored to have died by ham sammich, many yearsago.That being said and slabbed out the way, some months ago I began work on a new pattern--to be called "I heart Pork", it is meant to be a giant, stuffed and felted spiraled ham with bone in and cloves atop. And while I've left it by the wayside for some time, this morning I got a chance to pick it up and work on some of the kinks again. It is by no means finished, but its closer.Expect an experimented felted spiral ham to hit this space soon. Here's to hoping it will be my first for sale pattern!File Under: Praying to the Patron Saint of Bacon that all these knitting increases and decreases are correct.