It's the Tops. Top Fivers that is. Podcast up!
Remember kittens, when this past week I told you to head over to My Top Five and contribute to my guest podcast? The theme? My Top Five Quintessential Tunes for a Genre.Welp, Tom has podcasted it up--with all your help and comments--and it's ready for the gobbling. Everyone had really great selections, and when it came time for me to pick the tunes to play on the podcast, I tried desperately to take a bit from all sorts of genres...So expect some diversity. We've got The Jam and "That's Entertainment" for its Mod-Revival, Henry Thomas and "Fox and Hounds" for early African American traditional blues, and then there's C+C Music Factory's "Gonna Make You Sweat" as a homage to early-90's dance fad. You'll see tunes from N.W.A., Ultravox, Pulp (of course! There can be no Pulp and Circumstance presence without some Britpop via Pulp), Leadbelly, The Clash--standards in American folk and punk, but we can't forget genres like prog rock and post punk D.I.Y. so please please go download the podcast stat.Tom voices the whole thing as always, and the production was all his, so Golf Claps in his direction.Many thankyous to everyone that contributed, as is uber thanks to Tom for even asking me to head one up for once. It was a blast!Enjoy!