And everyday that I've been good...I get an orange after food?
I've always had a slight addiction t citrus, but I think it's increasingly becoming a problem. For the record, the giant (seriously, jumbo!) Naval oranges available in all the markets around these Boston parts of late are so delicious, it's undeniable. The giant Navals have quite a robust, oft thicker skin than their smaller counterparts, but the pulpy juice is that much sweeter and drip down your face kind of deliciousness.And for some reason, I have transferred this lovely citrusy addiction to my late afternoon tea consumption.
Might I suggest a modest Green or White Tea, two giant Naval orange slices and one slice of lemon to top the entire thing off. If I'm feeling extra zealous, I'll even squeeze a wedge of the orange into the mug before I add the scalding water. It's absolutely phenomenal, and quite frankly, as summer approaches, this entire citrusy obsession could in fact change your tea drinking experience.Oh, also pictured above is the lovely mug my Mum recently gifted me, a super large (aka tall and wide) holder of all yummy liquids she scooped up in New Mexico. Squeal! When she bought it, someone suggested--because of its monsterous size--it be used as a vase, to which my Mum bluntly stated, "No, I think if you knew my daughter, this will not be used as a vase...I meant to buy it for her morning coffee."Right-o Mum-o. I've used it for the aforementioned citrusy tea, and of course, my first true love, the magical bean, that not-so-average joe. Speaking of Joe, you've got to scoop up a brilliant new find. Usually a fan of Major Dickinson's Blend of coffee, I decided to give something new a whirl, and I've been blown away by First Colony's Fair Trade Coffee, particularly the Peruvian blend. There are a whole host of others, all equally splendid sounding, and while it isn't the cheapest of coffee, if you drink it black like me, this will change your entire morning with the newspapers, or heck, your all day if you suck that Joe down like me.
Think about it; maybe you'll be lucky enough, too, to chug it down with a mug as gorgeous as mine.