I do feel skinny in this afghan...
A whole while bck--circa last December--I was in a frenzy to crochet up these extra long, super bulky, and wacky colored scarves for everyone I knew. And I've finally properly photographed the delicious neck sweaters (they so long and bulky you might as well be wearing a sweater that's how warm they are) and thought about making some more before the weather turns yet again (...with all this rain, it makes me panick that we'll never have a moment of summer sun in Boston this year!).If you remember correct, my humble readers, I used a honkin’ big crochet hook–size P; and I chained 150 lengthwise and did a row of double crochet and a row of single crochet. The entire scarf was modeled after this brilliant one I saw called “200″ by John Brinegar–which you can check out at his blog or in Ravelry. Mine isn’t as long as his and some of them are thicker–and I also used a larger hook and skipped the fringe. Either way, this is a marvelous design and I’m uber-pleased with the inspiration and the result of the mods.Thanks to my wonderful friend--and faithful reader--Mackenzie, who got one of her own of these scarves for Christmas last year--I've finally conceived of a name for this baby: The Skinny Afghan. Apparently, when she brought it home, her boyfriend Jon likened it to a "skinny afghan" since it's so long and bulky and all that hoo--so thanks Jon, it was inspired! And it's now called The Skinny Afghan in your delightful honor.You can check out more views of the amazing Skinny Afghan at its flickr set.