A Heart-y dose of kitsch love...

hearts1I love knitting up little tiny toys. Lately, I've been stockpiling a whole bunch of tiny knitted hearts, courtesy a pattern from MochiMochi.Some of these tweedy littles will have eyes (instead of embroidering them as I usually do, I've decided to use black felt paint, which will be so easy!) and some will remain happy hearts without faces. I think I might do them in all different colors.And if I actually make the craft fair rounds next summer, I thought I could sell hearts and fishes and the like filled with homegrown cat nip, for all the furry feline lovers out there. What do you think? Would you buy one for your little lion? I would.As always, you can see more snaps of the hearts at my Flickr set.Inspiration for knitting kitsch? Cornershop, "Sleep on the Left Side", naturally. Yum.


More knitting by the lakeside..or is it thigh side?


Buckle up! Buy me a pair.