Publick notes...

Everyone knows I spend enough time at my local watering hole, Publick House.It is, hands down, the best pub ever. Quiet, dark, filled with lovely wood, candles, even lovelier frites with dipping sauces galore, and the best beers anyone could ask for. Literally.If you've followed my blog throughout the years, you already know that every so often I wax poetic on this spot; and mention a few delicious yeasted bevvies imbibed of late--not only as a guide for you on your next relaxing top one session, but as a way for me to catalog and remember all those beers I've tasted and adored.Enter a one Young's Double Chocolate Milk Stout, the latest craze of mine. Of course, all my drinking buddies know that I've been on a major obsession train with Kriek stype beers; these beers are naturally fermented, often with cherries, but don't taste that sweet. Instead, they are entirely sour, like a pickle, and reddish in color. Oh, they're usually Flemish, too.But, I digress.Ever since my friend Steve devoured this Chocolate Milk Stout a few weeks back, I can't stop adoring it. Not only is it a delicious robust dark beer with little to no carbonation making it as glorious going down as it does on belch up (strike that! no belching with this here beer!), it is filled with these rich notes of chocolate and espresso.Um. Can you say marry me?So the next time you nod into my favorite local, head to the section of the giant menu on Stouts, and find this here jobby. You won't regret it and I'm pretty sure you'll fall in as much love as me. Maybe then we can have a few pints together, eh?


Tart perfection...


Norway, I do love you!