Charting a day with Taj...
I adore faculty work days. The entire building is empty of rambunctious kids and I can actually get a ton of work done in the quiet.That is, unless I'm babysitting my boss' dog, Taj, who might be the greatest big lap dog ever. She makes it known when she wants a little lovin', and lovin' she gives, climbing right up into the desk chair begging for hugs, scratches and the like.Alas, as the day wound down and Taj scurried home and I finished working with a lone student who came in for extra tech help, I popped on some tunes and hunkered down with a knitting chart I've been working on lately for the Springtime Bandit.
I fiddled with it a bit since I made some mods and brainstormed ways to teach some of my knitters how to rely on reading charts rather than written instructions in knitting. Charts are so much better.What do you prefer?