Hot weather... hummus!
When the weather gets exponentially warmer, like yesterday's one off 90 deg. April Boston day, I tend to eat less heavy foods and stick to cold options with lots of veggies.Enter one of my favorite things to "cook": lemony hummus.While it does require you to use the stove to cook the garbanzo beans (soaked overnight beforehand), otherwise, it's simply mixing in the cuisinart and chilling in the fridge. I like to add quite a bit of lemon juice, tahini, and other spices like cayenne (for a kick of heat) to my hummus to keep is summery and interesting. What's more, don't forget the kosher salt! It's a must.
I love to serve my hummus with wedges of fresh-baked pita (or bought if you don't want to fire up the oven), cucumber wedges, and salted grape tomatoes.File Under: Seeking other warm weather recipes!