My mum is a whole pile of--awesome. This pile is in fact what happens when you go to spend the weekend with ere Mum and she takes you on a trip to the bookstore, followed by an absolute, hands down, take zero "nos" for answer when declaring she'd pay for the pile of glory.Um, can I declare here I have the best Mum ever?
What's more incredible is she threw in a few amazing extras: the latest copy of Vogue Knitting, a new book of patterns Knitting 24/7 by Veronik Avery, and a whole stack of new giant Moleskine journals for creating patterns and making notes about my stash and WIPs.There's nothing better than knitting books and magazines; sure I purchase a lot of patterns online (through Ravelry), but there's something about seeing a "collection" of designs--its a progression, plus, the glossy pages and book design elements are so tasty.Squeal.