Of these...

...I could use one (particularly with the loverly MackD, pictured in left corner)!This is what happens when you desire some delicious brew, and are returned the spit of the keg because its kicked out halfway through filling your glass.Have you ever experienced such disappointment and regret?And while I didn't get to have this glass properly, I do love how the foam is splattering the glass and looking at it makes me long for a pint.The sad news? I can't for the life of me remember what this was and why I wanted it so badly--but it could have been an Allagash Curieux, a whiskey barrel brewed tripel. Instead, I had to gulp down a Lagunitas Gnarly wine, and if you've never had it, I suggest liquoring yourself up a bit more so you can handle the bitter sludge.


Baby blabber...enough already!


Garden go...