beach crochet, 6.21

r.r. has been asking me to teach her the basics of crochet for a few weeks and I finally got the opportunity to get her started at Good Harbor Beach in Gloucester on Tuesday (though she's an artist and crafter who by nature, doesn't really need help in  this arena...).Celebration, you know, on the official start of was definitely a "10" day, and r.r. being the amazing lady she is, brought along incredible snacks that included roast beets and blueberries.I brought chips and coke, naturally. Honestly, its a beautiful thing drinking a coke on the beach. Try it; in the meantime, you can check out r.r.'s snaps from our beach trip (which includes an awful shot of my tawny thighs...its too early in the season for that r.r.!).


kitsch, 6.24


officially summer, 6.20