I will...
...create something every day. I recently had a discussion with a friend about what will exist in the future re: things we make, things we catalog, things we note. This blog has been a way for me to generate a running "journal" or "record" of sorts for things I think, do, make.But what will become of this space? Will it always exist? Nothing is certain, and so I've begun books...books of things. Who knew we'd be back at this spot? I did this in junior high, and now again, approaching 30.I'll still catalog, list, show here. But I realized I want something that could eventually be pulled from a box and discovered anew. I realize I carry around a little leather book that was once my father's way of keeping track of places he needed to be, things he needed to remember. I don't fill it out now, because its got a 2000 calendar in it, but I carry it and jot little moments inside sometimes. It still houses his own notes, from his last appointments in his life. It makes me feel closer to him.I hope my books will make someone feel closer to me, someday. Maybe that's overly ambitious!