sneak peak, drips.
I've pretty much done what I've been saying I would do for years: get all my Christmas knitting done way ahead of time. For the first time, ever, I am doing and have done just that. It's remarkable, really, since it's impossible for me to set rules for myself and abide by them.But here we are, in October, and I've got a majority of my things completed, my knits blocked and put in paper awaiting new owners, and even purchasing the small other things I give. It's a modern day miracle.Here is a sneak peak at the Drips hat. Shh, its a gift. Knit up with scraps of leftovers I had around--Madelinetosh tosh vintage in worn denim and Manos del Uruguay wool clasica in turquoise. This hat only took about two hours; clearly, a super easy gift for a friend with gorgeous results.Only mod: I used both colorways for my pom.