batik 2.

A few months back, the school where I am a librarian asked if I would be willing to help teach 10 eager middle schoolers how to batik. I had never batiked before, and knew very little about it. Of course, I found myself saying yes because I love learning new skills, being exposed to all different types of craft, and heck, working with kids, and our hands, to make things.We are in our last week or two of batik. I don't know if this really is the fabric craft for me; I'm kind of a perfectionist and it's really impossible to paint wax on muslin the way I think I want to. But I'm beyond happy to have spent these 10 some odd weeks learning something new and exposing kids to something, too.Here is my last batik, after the waxing. I will dye it on Friday and then turn it into something, like a zippered pouch for my knitting notions.


lighter sesame noodles.


regret in the form of afghans.