woolens | seeds hat.
This is my finished Seeds Hat from Jared Flood's (of the always brilliant Brooklyn Tweed) book Woolens, which came out last fall. Despite scooping up the book as soon as it was released, it wasn't until last week that I finally picked my first project.Seeds hat, it is.There are a number of other items I want to knit from this gorgeous spread, but I've been on a stash busting kick lately and I could put a dent in my Knit Picks Palette 100, which has been languishing in a bin for at least 5 years (you used to be able to buy a 100 skein pack--but I think they have added additional colorways and don't see it as an option anymore; you should have seen the giant box it came in). Mostly, at the time it was gifted to me, I was doing a lot of small, color work projects and wanted an endless chain of colors to pick from. The 100 have served me well--and I'd say I've only killed off about 30 skeins!Knit using coriander heather for the main colorway, I used bits of asphalt heather and bluebell for the striped sections. This was a really fast knit and you can carry your yarns up the work so there aren't a million little ends to weave in.The color combinations are endless; I imagine Sean will have one of these hats in his future, too. See my project notes here.