journal projects | tracking makes.
I've really gotten into tracking things. Coffee consumption, cool ideas, how much I make things, how much I read things, etc. I'm not into tracking other habits of mine and find that some can be a bit too much and unsustainable, but I've found a rhythm for me.One journal to track when I make something, when I knit, when and how much time I spend reading every day, what books are on my to be read list, which books I've completed and when, how much coffee I'm drinking every day (it's a lot and I don't plan on changing), what gigs Sean and I go to and what venues they were at, a headline for each day of the month, a savings tracker and a wish list and rewards system, and things I'm crushing on every month.One journal to track the books I've completed, when I completed it, how long it took me to read, whether it was a recommendation or my own choice, if I loved it or hated it, whether I own the book, musings on it, and my own artistic rendering of the book's cover.One journal to track the specifications and color stories of my knits (and in the future-- my sewing projects). It includes a drawing of the item I knit, the color palette I want to use, the yarn used, the needle size, and any notes about the pattern itself.This has been a goal of mine for awhile; to have some tangible proof of the things I do, and how to do them better, more often, or to know when things get crowded in my life--whether I've had to back off on some of my passions. It's a barometer and also a log of the things I make. And I hope it makes me a more thoughtful maker and consumer.What do you keep track of?You can see my tracking journal here. And my reading journal here. And my knitting journal here.