"...whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.”

p1010944Last night, I decided to cast-on a really quick earflap cabled hat with tails, because, why not? Clearly, I have knitting A.D.D. though in my defense, the baby sweater I'm working on is so close to being done, I feel I am at liberty to flex my knitting muslce in adult-wares.That being said, I found this cabled hat on Ravelry and decided I must make it with earflap modication because who doesn't like a good earflap hat I ask? I'm still debating on whether to afix a giant pom-pom to the top but I think I may make this one less kitsch than I'm know for since the spiced pumpkin color of the yarn is boom enough!The cable pattern is really cool; a open and close circular cable and a large, chunky, standard two stitch cable. Delish!I'm nearly done the hat and I cast it on last night around 10 p.m. after I was tapped out on schoolwork and the like, so that means this is an excellent last minute holiday project or "I just need a hat in a jiff" kind of instant gratification.Sorry to all the non-Ravel users who can't see this pattern. I'm sure to finish it tonight watching the Bruins game and gorging on Chinese foods and beers with my good friend Esteban Miguel. I'll be sure to post a final photo when its done.File Under: Herman Melville eat your heart out. This hat is perfect for a hat-knocking affair, and a trip out on the sea.


Presto...Chango? Nope, Presto Almost Finished-O!


Full-Coverage Cowl....you'll "cowl" into a corner if you can't own one of these.