Presto...Chango? Nope, Presto Almost Finished-O!
Saturday mornings, especially in winter, are the best times to lay around and knit. There isn't enough white space here in which I can drool all over the laying about the couch in slippers, a full coffee mug, an incredible night's sleep under the belt, and a knitting project on the sticks.That being said, as the wind was howling like crazy this morn, I sat about my couch and finished (yes finished!) the entire back, sleeves, and sides of the PrestoChango Sweater I've been working on for that baby shower next weekend.I got the right sleeve and side done last night while my friend Esteban and I gorged on Chinese food, watched the Bruins game, the opening 40 of Superman (the only good parts), and of course, our favorite, Whale Wars, which had a billion trailers with comments about how "compelling" and "entertaining" it is, written by who knows who at our ye ole newspaper of employment, The Boston Herald, which of course, made us chuckle as much as we could before we felt we might vomit from over eats.Alas, I was too full to make any significant dent in finishing, which I fixed for myself this morning. Now, all that's left is the panel front, seaming up the sleevs and sides, and affixing the eight buttons to the front. Woo! Expect me to post the final product in the coming days.It's beautiful!File Under: I wish I were a baby right now so I could snuggle in this sweater.