Here's to hoping Chamberlain had dry socks on the battle fields...or at least a pint at bay?

dscn1424I took some time out of the aforementioned new addiction to whimsy lace knitting in order to knit up a pair of socks....again. But for once, I think I might keep these puppies for myself (...though perhaps Mum's tootsies are always coldy, so maybe for her, instead).The sock yarn is a blue, grey, magenta, and tealish colorway, and I have to say, they are coming along beatious and extra long (but not quite a knee sock). I've already completed one, and the above photo shows the second, which is nearly to the heel...and if I can stop procrastinating and stick to the round, then I can have the second one completed by weekend. Keeps fingers crossed.To help the whole thing along, I decided to try out a sixer of Shipyard's Chamberlain Pale Ale, since I'm a super fan of the brewer's Pumpkin beer. Delish. And I do say, it was a risky but rewarding choice. It's super malty (which I like) and not overly hoppy (another plus), so I can really taste it...and drink it. It's not a sipping beer, it's an "enjoy a sixer" kind of beer, but with more taste than the average pale ale. And it's a good bottle to hit when the store is lacking in the Sierra Nevada (true story).Added bonus? Um, the label art is hilarious. Makes me want a Chamberlain in a navy Civil War suit on my watch.File Under: A sixer and socks is the only way to enjoy knitting, methinks.


A woman of many...elfish fisherman...caps? If it doesn't work out, at least I'll have something to stuff dead fish in for eatage?


It's not your grandmother's lace? Welp, maybe it is?