my pa's things.

My father died when I was 16; he was one of the most dapper men I've ever met and fancied his things nice. One of the items I inherited was a gorgeous, soft as butter, vintage leather Coach day planner, which he carried around to keep track of things.It's been 10 years since he passed and I still carry this in my purse or bag. I don't use it, even though you can get replacement fill ins. Instead, I like to look at the little scribbles he put  in it, and I swear, if I breathe in hard enough, I can still smell him in the pages.I like to think I get a lot of my swagger from him, so I've decided to introduce you to those things that have inspired my style--like, for instance, this little book and its influence on my refusal to save numbers in my phone, instead opting to scratch them in a little book, just as he did.Oh, and you can see snaps of ere pa (and ma) here.


dinner, 9.21


wingtips, 9.16