f.o. : gr8 gingham.

This sweater was a love/hate knit for me. I absolutely love this pattern--Gr8 Gingham Raglan by Jessie Maed Designs--and the effect of knitting it with the colors in the original sample, which are so not colors I would normally go for but...I went in.

The hate comes in that it took me so many, many months to finish this one. I started and stopped a bunch of times. It sat in a box while I moved. It languished in front of me--I could feel it begging to be finished, taunting me.

And I finally finished. And the sleeves were way, way, too long. So then I languished again before I cut into my knitting (gasp, yes!) and shortened the sleeves.

And now, it sits. I love it. But I haven't worn it yet. Because what was I thinking with these bold colors? I've got to find a way to wear it, right?

My Gr8 Gingham project notes are here, if you are interested.


f.o. : hilma sweater.


f.o. : bistripe hat.